K-ON! anime is now on movie(film) ! Find figurines t-shirts and more in K-ON! Movie Store
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Find it for you!

Do you want to have items that are not available in our store?

Could not find the items you want?

Or you just have vague ideas what you want?

Or you even want non- K-ON! items?


Of course we can help you in those cases!

As we locate near Akihabara(a.k.a akiba, Japan), we can find almost all K-ON! items that are available on the earth !


Let us help you

You can have the items you want with only 3 steps.

1) Just let us know what you want.

You can use this form(more easy) or Inquiries (no difference in actual handling) to let us know which items you want.

* How to use the form(Thank you screen is Japanese, please just ignore it).


If you already know webpages that have the images what you want please put it in the comment area, it will help us to find the items more quick.

You are not obliged to buy the items, so don't hesitate.


2) We will inform you the availability of the items and the price.


3) If you like to have it, complete the payment then we will deliver the items for you!


See?  Nothing can be more easy !


We really hope you enjoy this service to get you really want !






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